About us

About Us

Fatah Construction and Civil Works Limited is founded in the Republic of Kenya as General building works, civil works and water resource .management Contractor. It has recently rebranded and has been developed into a leading private company in the water industry offering solution to water problem.
Since its inception Fatah Construction and Civil Works Limited has gone through leaps and bound and immensely contributed to the Kenya economy through construction of dams, pans, roads and irrigation schemes in Arid and semi-arid (Asal) districts in Kenya.
Fatah Construction and Civil Works Limited boast a team of diverse professional who are dedicated to serve within the required time frame to allow its clients to concrete on their core business. Our service is timely and it is the way we do business.
The way our team works always satisfies them and keeps them coming back and giving reference to others.
Our service delivery spreads across the country and intends to add to parts of East Africa, Sudan, Ethiopia and parts of Central Africa Region. “We deliver where you are”.

Our Vison

To Be a Respectable Qualified Water Resource Contractor that Delivers Beyond Expectation Always.

Our Mission

To Procure Project at Competitive Pricing, Provide safe Working Conditions Towards Achieving Zero Accidents and Delivery of Quality Works within Reasonable Time Frame.

Our Objective

To Complete the Project within the Specified Time Frame and Allocated Budget.
To Plan and Schedule the Works and Distribute between Various Department Evolving Reputation of High Quality Workmanship Standard.
Creating an Organization that Works as a Team Using the Limited Available Resources and Producing Maximum Output.

Our Values & Culture


Integrity Sits at the Heart of Everything We Do and We Aim to be Responsible,Ethical, Honest, Fair and Transparent in All Our Actions and in All Our Engagements.

Encouraging Collaboration and Mutual Support to Reinforce Our One-Team Approach.

With Due Regard to The Feelings, Wishes, Contributions and Opinions of Others.

Dedication to Achieving Excellence in All Aspects of Our Engagements.

Encouraging New Ideas that Contribute to the Success of the Company.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)